Saturday, January 30, 2010


working out with my trainer + spin = OWIE!!! i'm was so sore yesterday, and not much better today!

thursday was a good day, and so was yesterday. i didn't read my response cards or advantage cards, but i was mindful of my eating and felt good overall. today i'm going to be helping my sister pack and do some moving... maybe painting, too. i'm not sure what time i need to get over there, but my plan is to head to the gym for some treadmill intervals before we get started (i'm leaving as soon as i get this posted!).

did i mention that my trainer wants me to do the st patty's day dash (3.7 miles)? that gives me about 6 weeks to train... which is why i need to get to the gym! i've got 2 trips planned between now and the race (3/14), i'm really going to need to stay focused if i want to do this!! i'm hoping that the spin classes i've been taking will help with my stamina, because it would be really great to be able to jog the whole thing (walking 3.7 miles isn't really a challenge... except for the starting at 8:30am part!).

so that's what's going on with me. almost forgot, the scale is doing exactly what it's supposed to do when i'm on track. i'll be posting an actual weight on monday, and i'm confident i'll be showing a loss for january!

alright... off to the gym for me!

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