Wednesday, August 11, 2010

what now

i've started and stopped with blogging more times than i care to remember. do my choices change because i stop blogging or do i stop blogging because my choices change? one thing i have noticed is that it seems that ultimately, the people who find the most success blog regularly... even when they're making less than stellar choices or the number on the scale is going in the wrong direction.

and here i sit in the airport... waiting on the plane that will take me on a 2 week vacation. and suddenly i'm feeling compelled to bring this blog to life. 2 weeks of eating out for pretty much every meal. 2 weeks of drinking... and i'm not talking about water. 2 weeks of wandering around foreign countries. and 2 weeks of trying to make the best of all of the above... and writing about it!

i haven't stepped on the scale in a while, but the last time i looked i was in the 235-240 range. that's a gain of 50-55 lbs since my lowest adult weight back in april 2005. but since i want to have a positive outlook, that also means that i've manage to keep off 70-75lbs for more than 5 years. post vacation will be a new before... time to get serious about being healthy again. because what i've been doing for the last couple of years just isn't cutting it!

next stop... london!