Thursday, February 4, 2010

it's not all about the scale

i've been working out with my new trainer for a month now, so today we took measurements again. i knew i wasn't going to have a big loss, because as we know, january had a little rough patch. the last time we measured was four weeks ago and since then i've GAINED 2 lbs of muscle and LOST 5 lbs of fat. my body fat % also went down by about 2% and i lost inches all over... though it was mostly in my upper body. overall, i'm happy with my progress. yes, i'd like to get this weigh off as quickly as possible... overnight would be great! but i know that doing what i'm doing now is the RIGHT was, so i'm content with slow and steady.

anyway, after measurements it was time to lift weights. have i mentioned how much i'm loving my new trainer? not only is he a sweet guy... but he works me out so hard that i'm achy for days!! after we were done it was time for my hour of spin class. i'm really enjoying that, too! i think the best part is that it doesn't get easier per se... i'm just able to push myself harder!

my eating has been solid this week. i've got a birthday party on saturday for my friend's baby, so that'll be my first real challenge for the week. i can say no to the cake, i'm more concerned about the other food since the party is 12-2 (aka, lunchtime). then sunday is the superbowl. i'm not sure yet if we're going to watch at home or go watch with friends. if we're home, no problem! but if we go out, i need to decide that it's really ok to be in that situation and not drink... it's the drinking that gets me.

saturday is supposed to be my interval day, but since it's shaping up to be a busy day, i'm planning to move it to sunday (the game isn't until 3:30, so i've got plenty of time!).

i pulled out my response and advantage cards yesterday, but then didn't read them today. i really need to work on getting in the habit of doing that again... they really do help!

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