Thursday, December 31, 2009

out with the old... in with the new

new year... new blog... new start! i decided it was time to have a place to record my ongoing journey to a healthy life, so that's what i'm going to do. my plan is to focus on healthy eating and exercise... seems easy enough, but consistency can be tough! what i've learned over the years is that in order to lose weight, i have to track what i eat and get at least 30 minutes of cardio daily. i've also learned that i feel better when i eat healthy, exercise regularly and weigh less! yet i also know that i tend to rebel against doing what i SHOULD do... even though i'm only hurting myself! what i haven't figured out is WHY i do this to myself, so that's something i'm hoping to sort out by blogging here.

it's new year's eve, and while i'm not one for resolutions, i do have some plans for the new year:

1. i WILL end the year healthier than i start it
2. i WILL end the year weighing less than i start it (and yes, i'll post a starting weight tomorrow)
3. i WILL keep this blog going, even if things aren't going as planned
4. i WILL be the best me i can be!

and on that note, i'm going to enjoy my new year's eve!


  1. Hello to your new blog! I added it! :)

  2. Good for you Sarah!! :) I am right with you .. sigh... It will be easier for me to wait until Monday.. but Monday is IT! I am sick of this cycle.
